Fresh Graduates

1Personal Banker

A Personal Banker provides financial advice in a bank.  He/She is a junior wealth manager providing financial services to retail customers.

Expertise: Banking, Wealth Management, Investments, Insurance, Financial Planning, Communication

Products: Deposits, Loans, Foreign Exchange, Unit Trust, Insurance, Structured Deposits, Structured Notes, Bonds

Similar Job Titles: Personal Financial Consultant / Personal Wealth Manager

Read More: What is a Personal Banker?


DBS Bank

2Priority Banker

The Priority Banker provides banking financial advice to affluent clients.  This is a mid-level wealth management role.  He/She manages affluent clients with assets usually more than $200,000 in the bank.

Expertise: Banking, Wealth Management, Investments, Insurance, Financial Planning, Communication, Client & Relationship Management, Portfolio Management

Products: Deposits, Loans, Foreign Exchange, Unit Trust, Insurance, Structured Deposits, Structured Notes, Bonds, Stocks, IPOs

Similar Job Titles: Premier Banker / Relationship Managers

Read More: What is a Priority Banker?


UBS Bank

3Private Banker

The Private Banker provides banking financial advice to high net-worth customers.  This is a senior wealth management role.  He/She manages affluent customers with assets usually more than $1 Million in the bank.  Some banks have a higher qualifying criteria of $5 Million or $10 Million.

Expertise: Banking, Wealth Management, Investments, Insurance, Financial Planning, Asset Structuring, International Estate Planning, Credit & Leverage, Private Equity, Investment Banking, Tax & Legal, Communication, Client & Relationship Management, Portfolio Management

Products: Deposits, Loans, Foreign Exchange, Unit Trust, Insurance, Structured Deposits, Structured Notes, Bonds, Stocks, IPOs, Margin, Options, Futures, Swaps, Hedge Funds

Similar Job Titles: Client Advisor / Relationship Manager

Read More: What is a Private Banker?


4Relationship Manager

Another job title for personal banker, premier banker, private banker. As the role is about managing relationship, the title ‘relationship manager’ is used.

Expertise: Refer to Personal Banker / Priority Banker / Private Banker

Products: Refer to Personal Banker / Priority Banker / Private Banker

Similar Job Title: Client Advisor

Read More: What is a Relationship Manager?


5Service Relationship Manager

A person who supports the Relationship Manager or Private banker in administrative and investment matters.  The role is usually present in Priority Banking and Private Banking, which requires a high level of service to affluent and high net worth clients.

Expertise: Banking, Wealth Management, Communication, Client & Relationship Management, Administration, Operations, Customer Service

Products: Refer to Refer to Personal Banker / Priority Banker / Private Banker

Similar Job Title: Assistant Private Banker


JP Morgan Bank

6Investment Advisor

The Investment Advisor provides advice on portfolio and investments to customers.  The investment advisor works with Personal Bankers, Priority Bankers or Private Bankers to provide customised investment solutions that matches customers’ investment objectives.

Expertise: Wealth Management, Investments, Insurance, Financial Planning, Leverage, Communication, Client & Relationship Management, Portfolio Management

Products: Deposits, Loans, Foreign Exchange, Unit Trust, Insurance, Structured Deposits, Structured Notes, Bonds, Stocks, IPOs, Hedge Funds

Similar Job Titles: Investment Counsellor / Portfolio Advisor

Read More: What is an Investment Advisor?


7Treasury Advisor

The Treasury Advisor provides advice on one’s portfolio and investments, including currencies, options, bonds and structured products.

Expertise: Wealth Management, Investments, Insurance, Financial Planning, Leverage, Communication, Client & Relationship Management, Portfolio Management

Products: Foreign Exchange, Structured Notes, Options, Bonds

Similar Job Titles: Treasury Sales Manager / Treasury Specialist / FX Advisor

Read More: What is a Treasury Specialist?



8Bancassurance Specialist 

The Bancassurance Specialist provides insurance advice to clients in the bank.  The Specialist works with Relationship Managers or Bankers to provide suitable insurance products to clients.

Expertise: Wealth Management, Insurance, Financial Planning, Credit & Leverage, Communication, Client & Relationship Management, Risk Management

Products: Single Premium Endowment, Regular Premium Endowment, Investment Linked Policies, Universal Life, Key-man Insurance

Similar Job Titles: Insurance Specialist

Read More: What is an Insurance Specialist?


9Mortgage Specialist

The Mortgage Specialist works in the bank and arranges housing loans for customers.  Other loans may also be arranged by the Specialist, such as unsecured credit line or insurance products such as mortgage insurance to protect the risk of non-payment because of death.

Expertise: Real Estate, Property Financing, Property Regulations, Tax & Legal, Insurance, Credit & Leverage, Communication, Client & Relationship Management

Products: Private Property Loan, HDB Property Loan, Landed Property Loan, Construction Loan, Bridging Loan, Mortgage Insurance

Similar Job Title: Loan Specialist


10Financial Advisor

The Financial Advisor provides financial advice to customers by offering financial planning & wealth management services.  The role can be banking or non-banking related.

The financial advisor in a non-banking role has no direct access to banking products and services such as deposits, fixed deposits & foreign exchange.

The role is general and all Personal Bankers, Priority Bankers, Private Bankers, Bancassurance Specialists and Insurance Agents are considered financial advisors.

Expertise: Wealth Management, Investments, Insurance, Financial Planning, Communication, Client & Relationship Management, Portfolio Management

Products: Depend on financial service provider.  Most providers have a range of insurance and investment products.

Similar Job Titles: Financial Consultant



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