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Wealth-X Report – The Billionaire Census 2020

21st August 2020 | Hong Kong

Wealth-X, the world’s leading provider of data and insight on the wealthy, has released the Wealth-X Report: The Billionaire Census 2020. 

” Wealth-X Releases Billionaire Report, 2825 Billionaires in the world “

In its 7th edition, the report analyzes the status of the world’s billionaire population in 2019.  The report also provided key intelligence from the first months of 2020 to provide early insight into the economic impact of COVID-19.

- Article continues below -

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Find out more on the world of billionaires in 2019 below:

  • 2,825 billionaires in the world
  • 2,825 billionaires holding $9.4 trillion of wealth
  • 788 billionaires are in United States
  • 388 billionaires are in China
  • 113 billionaires are in New York
  • 96 billionaires are in Hong Kong
  • 66 billionaires are in London
  • 45 billionaires are in Singapore
  • 35 billionaires are in Dubai
  • 90.2% of billionaires are above 50 years old
  • 58% of billionaires are self-made (1st generation)
  • 88.1% of billionaires are male
  • and many more

View Report: The Billionaire Census 2020



1. 2019 Key Billionaire Statistics 

Private Jet for Billionaires, UHNWs


2,825 Billionaries, 290K UHNWs, 2.95 million HNWs

Classification Count Wealth
Billionaires with > $ 1 billion 2,825 $9.43 trillion
UHNW with > $30 million 291,470 $36.1 trillion
HNW with > $5 million 2.95 million $62.67 trillion


2,825 Billionaires

In 2019, there are 2,825 billionaires in the world, an increase of 8.5% from 2018.  Collectively, 2,825 billionaires hold $9.43 trillion of wealth, an increase of 10.3% from 2018.

  • 2,825 billionaires (Increase of 8.5%)
  • 2,825 billionaires hold $9.43 trillion of wealth (Increase of 10.3%)


  • UHNW – Ultra High Net-worth
  • HNW – High Net-worth


290K UHNWs, 2.95 million HNWs

In 2019, there are 291,470 UHNWs with more than $30 million of wealth. Every 1 in 100 or 1% of UHNW is a billionaire.  There are 2.95 million of HNW with more than $5 million of wealth.  Every 1 in 10 or 9.8% of global HNW is a UHNW.

  • 291,470 UHNWs with more than $30 million
  • 1% of global UHNW are billionaires (Every 1 in 100)
  • 9.8% of global HNW are UHNWs (Every 1 in 10)


2. 2019 Billionaire Population & Wealth

Luxury Mansion, The World of Billionaires

Billionaire Population & Wealth

Billionaire Wealth Count Wealth
$50 billion 15 $1.07 trillion
$10 billion to $50 billion 138 $2.19 trillion
$5 billion to $10 billion 259 $1.65 trillion
$2 billion to $5 billion 931 $2.63 trillion
$1 billion to $2 billion 1,482 $1.87 trillion
2,825 $9.4 trillion


412 Billionaires with More than $5 Billion

In 2019, 2,825 billionaires have more than $1 billion.  Only 15 billionaires have more than $50 billion.  138 billionaires have $10 billion to $50 billion and 259 billionaires have $5 billion to $10 billion.

In total, 412 billionaires have more than $5 billion of wealth with a total wealth of $4.91 trillion, representing around 52% of billionaire’s wealth ($9.4 trillion).


2,413 Billionaires with $1 billion to $5 billion

931 billionaires have $2 billion to $5 billion and 1,482 billionaires have $1 billion to $2 billion.

In total, 2,413 billionaires of 85.4% of billionaires held $4.5 trillion or around 47% of billionaire’s wealth ($9.4 trillion).


3. 2019 Top Billionaires by Region

New York City

2019 Top Billionaires by Region

Region Count Wealth
North America 834 $3.52 trillion
Latin America & Caribbean 140 $450 billion
Africa 41 $88 billion
Europe 847 $2.44 trillion
Middle-East 172 $450 billion
Asia 758 $2.4 trillion
Pacific (Australia, New Zealand) 33 $69 billion
2,825 $9.4 trillion

North America has the most billionaires with 834.  Europe has 847 billionaires while Asia has 758 billionaires. In total, North America, Europe and Asia have 2,439 billionaires, representing 86.3% (2,825) of total billionaires in the world.

Billionaire by Region:

  • North America: 834 billionaires
  • Europe: 847 billionaires
  • Asia: 758 billionaires
  • North America, Europe & Asia: 2,439 (86.3%)
  • Total: 2,825

834 North American billionaires held about 37.4% ($3.52 trillion) of billionaire wealth. 847 European billionaires held about 25% ($2.44 trillion) of billionaire wealth while 758 Asian billionaires held also about 25% ($2.4 trillion) of billionaire wealth.

In total, North American, European and Asian billionaires held $8.36 trillion or 88.9% of total billionaire’s wealth ($9.4 trillion)


4. 2019 Top Billionaires by Countries

Shanghai Pudong City
S/N Top Billionaires by Countries 2019
1 United States 788
2 China 342
3 Germany 153
4 Russia 114
5 Switzerland 100
6 United Kingdom 100
7 Hong Kong SAR 96
8 India 87
9 Saudi Arabia 62
10 France 60
11 Italy 53
12 Brazil 50
13 United Arab Emirates 47
14 Canada 46
15 Singapore 45
Total No. of Billionaires 2,143


In 2019, 2143 or 75.8% of billionaires 2,825 are citizens of only 15 countries. 788 billionaires are from United States, 342 billionaires are from China, 153 are from Germany, 114 are from Russia, 100 are from Switzerland and 100 are from United Kingdom.

These 6 countries have a total of 1,597 billionaires or 56.5% of 2,825 billionaires in the world.


5. 2019 Top Billionaires by Cities

Hong Kong, Asia’s leading financial centre

2019 Top Billionaires by Cities

S/N Top Billionaires by Cities 2019
1 New York 113
2 Hong Kong 96
3 San Francisco 77
4 Moscow 73
5 London 66
6 Beijing 57
7 Singapore 45
8 Los Angeles 44
9 Shenzhen 39
10 Mumbai 38
11 Dubai 35
12 Sao Paulo 33
13 Istanbul 32
14 Hangzhou 32
15 Tokyo 30
Total No. of Billionaires 810


810 Billionaires in 15 Cities

810 or 28.6% of 2,825 of billionaires in 2019 are based in 15 cities.

New York, the world’s largest financial centre has the most billionaires with 113 billionaires.  Hong Kong, the largest financial centre in Asia has the 2nd most with 96 billionaires.   San Francisco, where Silicon Valley is situated in the South San Francisco Bay Area and home to many of the world’s largest technology companies have 77 billionaires.


6. Billionaire Source of Wealth

The World of Billionaires

Billionaire Source of Wealth

Source of Wealth
Self-made 58%
Inherited / Self-made 29.60%
Inherited 12.40%


58% of Billionaires are Self-Made

58% of billionaires wealth are self-made (1st generation).  29.6% of billionaires have received inherited wealth and at the same time, created wealth.  Only 12.4% of billionaires have inherited their wealth.


7. Billionaire Age Group

The World of Billionaires

Billionaires Age Group

Age of Billionaires
< 50 9.80%
50 – 70 50.30%
70 > 39.30%


50.3% of billionaires are between age 50 to 70 while 39.3% are above 70.  In total, 89.6% of billionaires are 50 and above.

Only 9.8% of billionaires are below below.  The average age of billionaires is around 66 (65.9).


8. Billionaire Gender

The World of Billionaires

Billionaires Gender: Male or Female

Male 88.10%
Female 11.90%

Of the 2,825 billionaires, 88.1% of billionaires are male while only 11.9% of billionaires are female.


9. Billionaires Top 10 Primary Industries

UBS office in Kowloon, Hong Kong

Billionaires Top 10 Primary Industries

Top 10 Primary Industries
Banking & Finance 19.80%
Industrial Conglomerates 12.80%
Real Estate 7.60%
Food & Beverages 5.70%
Healthcare 5.70%
Manufacturing 5.60%
Technology 5.60%
Non-Profit & Social Organizations 4.90%
Hospitality & Entertainment 4.50%
Textiles, Apparel & Luxury Goods 4.30%

The top 10 industries listed above produce 76.5% of the 2,825 billionaires.

The most number of billionaires are in Banking & Finance, Industrial Conglomerates and Real Estate.  These 3 sectors produce 40.2% of the 2,825 billionaires.


10. Asset Allocation – By Wealth Tier

The World of Billionaires
Wealth Tier Private Public Cash Property & Luxury
> $50 billion 8.50% 76.80% 14.30% 0.40%
$10 billion to $50 billion 30.90% 48% 19.20% 1.80%
$5 billion to $10 billion 35.50% 38.40% 23.50% 2.60%
$2 billion to $5 billion 37.70% 28.20% 31.60% 2.50%
$1 billion to $2 billion 40.90% 21.30% 35.50% 2.30%


Billionaires with more than $50 billion (15 Billionaires)

Billionaires with more than $50 billion held most of their wealth in public listed companies.  76.8% of their assets are in public holdings, 14.3% in cash equivalent, 8.5% in private investments and only 0.4% in property & luxury.

Billionaires with $10 billion to $50 billion (138)

Billionaires with $10 billion to $50 billion have 48% of their assets in public holdings, 30.9% in private investments, 19.2% in cash equivalent and 1.8% in real estate and luxury.

Billionaires with $5 billion to $10 billion (259)

Billionaires with $5 billion to $10 billion have 38.4% of their assets in public holdings, 35.5% in private investments, 23.5% in cash equivalent and 2.6% in real estate and luxury.

Billionaires with $2 billion to $5 billion (931)

Billionaires with $2 billion to $5 billion have 37.7% of their assets in private investments,, 28.2% in public holdings, 35.5% in cash equivalent and 2.3% in real estate and luxury.

Billionaires with $1 billion to $2 billion (1,482)

Billionaires with $1 billion to $2 billion have 40.9% of their assets in private investments,, 21.3% in public holdings, 31.6% in cash equivalent and 2.3% in real estate and luxury.


Billionaire Wealth Recap

Billionaire Wealth Count Wealth
$50 billion 15 $1.07 trillion
$10 billion to $50 billion 138 $2.19 trillion
$5 billion to $10 billion 259 $1.65 trillion
$2 billion to $5 billion 931 $2.63 trillion
$1 billion to $2 billion 1,482 $1.87 trillion
2,825 $9.4 trillion



Wealth-X Report: The Billionaire Census 2020

In its 7th edition, the report analyzes the status of the world’s billionaire population in 2019.  The report also provided key intelligence from the first months of 2020 to provide early insight into the economic impact of COVID-19.

View Report: The Billionaire Consensus 2020


About Wealth-X

The global leader in wealth information and insight, Wealth-X partners with leading prestige brands across the financial services, luxury, not-for-profit and higher-education industries to fuel strategic decision-making in sales, marketing and compliance.  Wealth-X boasts the world’s most extensive collection of records on wealthy individuals and produces unparalleled data analysis to help organizations uncover, understand, and engage their target audience, as well as mitigate risk.

Founded in 2010, with staff across North America, Europe and Asia, Wealth-X provides unique data, analysis and counsel to a growing roster of more than 500 clients worldwide.

Visit: Wealth-X

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