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Top 25 Most Negative & Influential Companies on Climate Policy: Chevon, ExxonMobil, ConocoPhillips, Nippon Steel, Gazprom, Toyota Motor, Lufthansa, BMW Group, Dow Chemical & More

6th November 2022 | Hong Kong

InfluenceMap has released a report on the top 25 most negative & influential companies on climate policy.  The top 25 most most negative & influential companies impacting climate policies include Chevon, ExxonMobil, ConocoPhillips, Nippon Steel, Gazprom, Toyota Motor, Lufthansa, BMW Group & Dow Chemical.   InfluenceMap has also released the top 10 most negative & influential industry association.  InfluenceMap is an independent think tank that provides data and analysis on how business and finance are affecting the climate crisis.   See below for the top 25 most negative & influential companies on climate policy, and the top 10 most negative & influential industry association.  View Report

  Chevon, ExxonMobil, ConocoPhillips, Nippon Steel, Gazprom, Toyota Motor, Lufthansa, BMW Group, Dow Chemical & More “


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Top 25 Most Negative & Influential Companies on Climate Policy

Climate Change

Top 25 Most Negative & Influential Companies on Climate Policy:

  1. Chevron 
  2. ExxonMobil 
  3. BASF 
  4. ConocoPhillips 
  5. Sempra Energy 
  6. American Electric Power 
  7. Southern Company 
  8. Nippon Steel Corporation 
  9. Gazprom 
  10. Toyota Motor 
  11. CenterPoint Energy
  12. Marathon Petroleum 
  13. Dominion Energy 
  14. Rosneft 
  15. Lufthansa 
  16. BMW Group 
  17. Valero Energy 
  18. Phillips 66 
  19. Repsol 
  20. JFE Steel 
  21. Woodside 
  22. OMV 
  23. Dow Chemical 
  24. Entergy Corp 


Top 10 Most Negative & Influential Industry Associations:

  1. American Petroleum Institute 
  2. American Fuel & Petrochemical Manufacturers 
  3. US Chamber of Commerce
  4. BusinessEurope
  5. Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers
  6. California Chamber of Commerce
  7. Japan Iron & Steel Federation
  8. American Gas Association
  9. German Association of the Automotive Industry
  10. Federation of German Industries


The 2022 Climate Policy Footprint identifies the 25 most negative and influential corporations globally. It combines assessments from InfluenceMap’s recognized platform for assessing corporate climate policy engagement with indicators to the judge relative economic and political clout of each company.  The research demonstrates the importance of policy engagement when considering corporate climate performance and highlights the gaps with mainstream corporate climate targets, indicators, and metrics. For example, 80% of the 25 most negative and influential companies have made net-zero commitments, while 10 are given an A- or higher under CDP’s 2021 climate change disclosure scores.  

The climate policy footprint assessment is derived from InfluenceMap’s ongoing analysis and rankings of the world’s largest corporations and their industry associations on climate policy engagement and combines this with additional indicators to the judge the relative economic size (and hence political power) of each company. It is noted that InfluenceMap’s work covers all sectors and companies both positive and negative. This report deals with the most strategically negative corporations. A report analogous to this report but dealing with the world’s most positive companies is at the A List of Climate Policy.

InfluenceMap first introduced the concept of the Climate Policy Footprint in 2017 to explain the impact that companies and their industry associations were having on climate change via their lobbying and messaging activities. This analysis provided a further dimension to measuring corporate impact on climate; a ‘Scope 4’ emissions assessment identifying the most influential companies and industry associations on climate change policy. 

InfluenceMap Corporate Climate Policy Footprint 2022 – The 25 Most Influential Companies Blocking Climate Policy Action Globally.  View Report


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