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Wealth for Good in Hong Kong Summit 2023 Family Office & Billionaire Speakers:  Richard Li, Yahoo Jerry Yang, Xiaomi KK Wong, Sequoia China Neil Shen, EQT Asia Jean Eric Salata, Kwok Kai-fai, Paul Desmarais III, Efrat Peled, Philip Sohmen, Robert Rosen & more

22nd March 2023 | Hong Kong

The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) Government has announced the guest speaker list for the Wealth for Good in Hong Kong Summit to be held on 24th March 2023, attended by more than 100 key decision-makers of the largest family offices in the world & billionaires including Richard Li (Pacific Century, Son of Li Ka-Shing), Yahoo Jerry Yang, Xiaomi KK Wong, Sequoia China Neil Shen, EQT Asia Jean Eric Salata, Sun Hung Kai Properties Kwok Kai-fai, Paul Desmarais III, Efrat Peled, Philip Sohmen, Robert Rosen & many more.  The panel sessions will be moderated by Andrew L. Cohen (JP Morgan Private Bank Executive Chairman), Christopher Hui (Hong Kong Secretary for Financial Services & the Treasury), Ronnie Chan (Hang Lung Properties Chair), Poman Lo (Founder of Institute of Sustainability & Technology, Founder of AlphaTrio Capital, Vice Chairman, Regal Hotels Group) and  Amy Lo (Co-Head, UBS Wealth Management APAC; Head & Chief Executive, UBS Hong Kong).  The  Wealth for Good in Hong Kong summit will focus on 4 key themesWealth for Tech, Wealth for Philanthropy, Wealth for Green and Wealth for Art (Hong Kong’s unique strengths to establish family offices).  See below for more info & speakers lineup:

“ Wealth for Good in Hong Kong Summit 2023 Family Office & Billionaire Speakers:  Richard Li, Yahoo Jerry Yang, Xiaomi KK Wong, Sequoia China Neil Shen, EQT Asia Jean Eric Salata, Kwok Kai-fai, Paul Desmarais III, Efrat Peled, Philip Sohmen, Robert Rosen & more “


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Hong Kong Financial Secretary, Paul Chan: “The WGHK summit is a global premier event for family offices. We look forward to showcasing Hong Kong’s strengths and opportunities in asset and wealth management, innovation and technology, arts and culture, green development and philanthropy, thereby attracting more global family offices and asset owners to establish a presence in Hong Kong. On the day of the summit, the HKSAR Government will also release the ‘Policy Statement on developing family office businesses in Hong Kong’, announcing our policy directions for global family offices to drive positive impacts through wealth allocation.”

Hong Kong Secretary for Financial Services & the Treasury, Christopher Hui: “The speakers and guests at the WGHK summit are decision makers of leading family offices and industry experts from all around the world, reflecting Hong Kong’s unique attractiveness as an international asset and wealth management centre. I look forward to bringing global and Hong Kong family offices together at the WGHK summit to share the inspiring stories of Hong Kong as an international asset and wealth management centre.”



Wealth for Good in Hong Kong Summit 2023

Hong Kong, Asia’s leading financial centre

Hong Kong Official Statement: The WGHK summit will be attended by more than 100 decision makers from global family offices and their professional teams across Hong Kong, the Mainland, North America, Europe, other Asian regions, the Middle East and around the world. 

Organised by the Financial Services and the Treasury Bureau and Invest Hong Kong, the WGHK summit will take place this Friday (March 24 2023) at the Hong Kong Palace Museum. 

In addition to the various exchange sessions at the summit, Invest Hong Kong will also present the Tai Hang Fire Dragon Dance, which has been suspended for 3 years due to the epidemic, at the Hong Kong Palace Museum, as a special performance for guests to experience Hong Kong’s unique folk culture. This festive event goes back to the end of the 19th century and is on the National List of Intangible Cultural Heritage of China.


Wealth for Good in Hong Kong Summit 2023 Family Office & Billionaire Speakers:

Family Office Sharing Session:

  1. Paul Desmarais III (Chairman and CEO, Sagard)
  2. Efrat Peled (Chairman and CEO, Arison Investments)
  3. Kwok Kai-fai, Adam (Executive Director, Sun Hung Kai Properties Limited)
  4. Philip Sohmen (Founder and CEO, Kiri Capital)

Moderator: Andrew L. Cohen (Executive Chairman, Global Private Bank, J.P. Morgan)

Wealth for Tech:

  1. Richard Li (Chairman and Chief Executive, Pacific Century Group)
  2. Jerry Yang (Co-Founder and former CEO, Yahoo! Inc.; Founding Partner, AME Cloud Ventures)
  3. Neil Shen (Founding Managing Partner, Sequoia China)
  4. KK Wong (Co-Founder, Xiaomi; Director, Xiaomi Foundation)

Moderator: Christopher Hui, the Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury

Wealth for Philanthropy:

  1. Robert Rosen (Director, Philanthropic Partnerships, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation)
  2. Chen Chong (President and Party Secretary of the CPC Committee, Guoqiang Foundation; Non-executive Director, Country Garden Holdings Company Limited)
  3. Gabriel Leung (Executive Director, Charities and Community, The Hong Kong Jockey Club)
  4. Ronna Chao (CEO, Novel Investment Partners Limited)

Moderator: Ronnie Chan (Chair, Hang Lung Properties Limited)

Wealth for Green:

  1. Hiromichi Mizuno (Tesla Board member; Ex CIO, GPIF; Former United Nations Special Envoy for Innovative Finance & Sustainable Investments)
  2. Jean Eric Salata (Chairman, EQT Asia; Head, BPEA EQT)
  3. Jun Ma (Chairman and President, Hong Kong Green Finance Association)
  4. Fan Cheuk-wan (Chief Investment Officer, Asia, HSBC Global Private Banking and Wealth)

Moderator: Poman Lo (Founder, Institute of Sustainability and Technology; Founder and Managing Partner, AlphaTrio Capital; Vice Chairman, Regal Hotels Group)

Wealth for Art:

  1. Noah Horowitz (CEO, Art Basel)
  2. Dr Uli Sigg (Collector, Entrepreneur, Former Diplomat, Sigg Collection)
  3. Bernard Charnwut Chan (Chairman, M Plus Museum Limited)

Moderator: Amy Lo (Co-Head, UBS Wealth Management APAC; Head and Chief Executive, UBS Hong Kong Branch; Group Managing Director)



Hong Kong Top-Level Family Office & Asset Owners Exclusive Event: Wealth for Good in Hong Kong Summit on 24th March 2023

9th March 2023 – Hong Kong is organising a top-level family office exclusive event, the Wealth for Good in Hong Kong Summit on 24th March 2023 (Friday) at the Hong Kong Palace Museum.  The event is organised by the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) Government (Financial Services and the Treasury Bureau, Invest Hong Kong) for global family offices & asset owners.  Announcement: Promoting the setup and expansion of global family offices in Hong Kong is an important policy objective of the HKSAR Government. As announced by the Chief Executive in his Policy Address, a target is set in attracting no less than 200 family offices to establish or expand their operations in Hong Kong by end-2025. The HKSAR Government is also taking forward a legislative proposal to offer tax concessions for qualified family offices.  The Summit covers 4 themes: 1) Wealth for Tech: Hong Kong’s financing capability to empower the next generation of technological innovations, and Hong Kong’s investment opportunities for global family offices 2) Wealth for Art: Hong Kong’s unique positioning as an East-meets-West centre for international cultural exchange 3) Wealth for Green: Hong Kong’s commitment in driving global transition towards green and sustainable development 4) Wealth for Philanthropy: Hong Kong’s role as a philanthropy centre for global family offices to deploy wealth for good causes.


Chief Executive, Mr John Lee: “The Wealth for Good in Hong Kong Summit showcases Hong Kong’s unique advantages as an international asset and wealth management hub to global family offices and asset owners. The summit will introduce to them the opportunities offered by Hong Kong for wealth allocation, fostering the positive and long-term development of family office businesses. Through the WGHK, the HKSAR Government will build stronger connections with decision makers of global family offices and assist them in exploring opportunities and implementing their development plans in Hong Kong, thereby encouraging more family offices to establish a presence. Family offices in Hong Kong and industry leaders will also exchange views and network with global peers and partners.” 

The Financial Secretary, Paul Chan: “Our country supports Hong Kong in strengthening its position as an international asset management centre. The HKSAR Government has continued to enhance Hong Kong’s competitiveness as an international asset and wealth management centre through a series of reform measures, including the provision of tax concessions, the establishment of a dedicated service team, and the active cultivation of talents in relevant sectors, with a view to attracting more family offices to set up in Hong Kong. The WGHK will be a global premier event for family offices, showcasing investment and a wide range of opportunities in areas like arts and culture, green development and philanthropy that Hong Kong can bring to family offices. It will not only enhance Hong Kong’s attractiveness and position as a family office hub, but also whip up the demand for asset management and other related professional services, creating more business opportunities for Hong Kong.”

The Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury, Christopher Hui: “We selected the Hong Kong Palace Museum as the venue for the WGHK because this new cultural landmark displays priceless national treasures from the Palace Museum along with the finest arts from around the world. Guests will be able to enjoy the essence of blending East and West, and old and new, as well as to appreciate a unique ambience of an East-meets-West centre for international cultural exchange. This coincides with Hong Kong’s role as a bridge connecting the Mainland and global capital markets.”



Hong Kong Top-Level Family Office & Asset Owners Exclusive Event: Wealth for Good in Hong Kong Summit on 24th March 2023

Hong Kong is organising a top-level family office exclusive event, the Wealth for Good in Hong Kong Summit on 24th March 2023 (Friday) at the Hong Kong Palace Museum.  The event is organised by the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) Government (Financial Services and the Treasury Bureau, Invest Hong Kong) for global family offices & asset owners.

As announced in the 2023-24 Budget by the Financial Secretary, the WGHK is a key project to attract more global family offices to Hong Kong, and it will cover the following key themes:

  1. Wealth for Tech: Hong Kong’s financing capability to empower the next generation of technological innovations, and Hong Kong’s investment opportunities for global family offices;
  2. Wealth for Art: Hong Kong’s unique positioning as an East-meets-West centre for international cultural exchange;
  3. Wealth for Green: Hong Kong’s commitment in driving global transition towards green and sustainable development; and
  4. Wealth for Philanthropy: Hong Kong’s role as a philanthropy centre for global family offices to deploy wealth for good causes.

More details about the WGHK will be released by the HKSAR Government.

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