Jeff Bezos Ex-Wife & Billionaire MacKenzie Scott with $38 Billion Personal Fortune Sells $8 Billion of Amazon Shares for Her Philanthropic & Charitable Donations, MacKenzie Scott Donated Around $37 Billion Since Divorce in 2019
21st November 2024 | Hong Kong
Jeff Bezos ex-wife & billionaire MacKenzie Scott with $38 billion fortune has sold $8 billion of Amazon shares for her philanthropic & charitable donations. MacKenzie Scott has donated around $37 billion since her divorce with Jeff Bezos in 2019. In 2024 March, MacKenzie Scott donated $640 million to 361 small non-profits after an open call for applications with 6,353 applications for at least $1 million grant each. MacKenzie Scott has a current fortune of $38 billion & has donated $17.3 billion to more than 2,300+ non-profit via her philanthropic foundation Yield Giving. In February 2024, MacKenzie Scott sold 65.3 million Amazon shares worth $10.4 billion in 2023. MacKenzie Scott is one of Amazon early employees & married Jeff Bezos in 1993. More info below:
“ Jeff Bezos Ex-Wife & Billionaire MacKenzie Scott with $38 Billion Personal Fortune Sells $8 Billion of Amazon Shares for Her Philanthropic & Charitable Donations, MacKenzie Scott Donated Around $37 Billion Since Divorce in 2019 “
Jeff Bezos Ex-Wife & Billionaire MacKenzie Scott Donates $640 Million to 361 Small Non-Profits after an Open Call for Applications with 6,353 Applications for at Least $1 Million Grant Each, Current Fortune of $38 Billion & Donated $17.3 Billion to More than 2,300+ Non-Profit via Her Philanthropic Foundation Yield Giving

22nd March 2024 – Jeff Bezos ex-wife & billionaire MacKenzie Scott has donated $640 million to 361 small non-profits after an open call for applications with 6,353 applications for at least $1 million grant each. MacKenzie Scott has a current fortune of $38 billion & has donated $17.3 billion to more than 2,300+ non-profit via her philanthropic foundation Yield Giving. In February 2024, MacKenzie Scott sold 65.3 million Amazon shares worth $10.4 billion in 2023. MacKenzie Scott is one of Amazon early employees & married Jeff Bezos in 1993. More info below:
Mackenzie Scott (19/3/24): “From a pool of over 6,000 applicants, each of these 361 community-led non-profits was elevated by peer organizations and a round-2 evaluation panel for their outstanding work advancing the voices and opportunities of individuals and families of meager or modest means, and groups who have met with discrimination and other systemic obstacles. Grateful to Lever for Change and everyone on the evaluation and implementation teams for their roles in creating this pathway to support for people working to improve access to foundational resources in their communities. They are vital agents of change.” See these gifts
- 12 Plus
- 826 Valencia
- Able South Carolina
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- EDGE New Jersey
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- Ma Ka Hana Ka ʻIke
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Jeff Bezos Ex-Wife & Billionaire MacKenzie Scott Sold 65.3 Million Amazon Shares Worth $10.4 Billion in 2023, MacKenzie Scott is One of Amazon Early Employees & Married Jeff Bezos in 1993, Current Fortune of $38 Billion & Over $16.5 Billion Donated to More than 1,900 Non-Profit via Her Philanthropic Foundation Yield Giving
1st February 2024 – Jeff Bezos ex-wife & billionaire MacKenzie Scott has sold 65.3 million Amazon shares worth $10.4 billion in 2023. MacKenzie Scott is one of Amazon early employees & married Jeff Bezos in 1993. MacKenzie Scott has current fortune of around $38 billion with over $16.5 billion donated to more than 1,900 non-profit via her philanthropic foundation Yield Giving. In 2023 December, MacKenzie Scott has donated $2.15 billion to 360 organizations over the last year with over $16.5 billion donated to more than 1,900 non-profit via her philanthropic foundation Yield Giving. MacKenzie Scott personal fortune is currently at around $34 billion. In March 2023, MacKenzie Scott aunched an open call with a $250 million donation via Yield Giving (Her Philanthropic Foundation) of $1 million donation each to 250 non-profit, with over $14 billion already donated to more than 1,600 non-profit. Yield Giving: “Community-led, community-focused nonprofit organizations from across the United States and U.S. Territories are invited to apply and share the impact they have had on the abilities of individuals and families in their communities to achieve substantive improvement in their well-being … … Organizations must have an annual operating budget of at least $1 million and no more than $5 million for at least two of the last four fiscal years to be eligible to apply. Interested organizations must register to apply before 4 p.m. U.S. Central Time on Friday, May 5, 2023. Complete applications are due before 4 p.m. U.S. Central Time on Monday, June 12, 2023.” The Yield Giving Open Call is being managed by Lever for Change, a nonprofit that leverages its networks to find and fund solutions to the world’s greatest challenges, including racial inequity, gender inequality, lack of economic development, and climate change. In 2022, MacKenzie Scott ($33 billion personal fortune) filed for divorce after 2 years of marriage to science teacher Dan Jewett. In 2019, MacKenzie Scott and Amazon founder Jeff Bezos had divorced in one of the largest asset split ($150 billion to $200 billion fortune). In the same year 2019, MacKenzie Scott who had been an active philanthropist with more than $20 billion personal fortune in 2019, signed the Giving Pledge to donate majority of her wealth & assets. More info below | Visit: Yield Giving Open Call
Jeff Bezos Ex-Wife & Billionaire MacKenzie Scott Donated $2.15 Billion to 360 Organizations Over Last Year with Over $16.5 Billion Donated to More than 1,900 Non-Profit via Her Philanthropic Foundation Yield Giving, MacKenzie Scott Personal Fortune at $34 Billion

8th December 2023 – Jeff Bezos ex-wife & billionaire MacKenzie Scott has donated $2.15 billion to 360 organizations over the last year with over $16.5 billion donated to more than 1,900 non-profit via her philanthropic foundation Yield Giving. MacKenzie Scott personal fortune is currently at around $34 billion. In March 2023, MacKenzie Scott aunched an open call with a $250 million donation via Yield Giving (Her Philanthropic Foundation) of $1 million donation each to 250 non-profit, with over $14 billion already donated to more than 1,600 non-profit. Yield Giving: “Community-led, community-focused nonprofit organizations from across the United States and U.S. Territories are invited to apply and share the impact they have had on the abilities of individuals and families in their communities to achieve substantive improvement in their well-being … … Organizations must have an annual operating budget of at least $1 million and no more than $5 million for at least two of the last four fiscal years to be eligible to apply. Interested organizations must register to apply before 4 p.m. U.S. Central Time on Friday, May 5, 2023. Complete applications are due before 4 p.m. U.S. Central Time on Monday, June 12, 2023.” The Yield Giving Open Call is being managed by Lever for Change, a nonprofit that leverages its networks to find and fund solutions to the world’s greatest challenges, including racial inequity, gender inequality, lack of economic development, and climate change. In 2022, MacKenzie Scott ($33 billion personal fortune) filed for divorce after 2 years of marriage to science teacher Dan Jewett. In 2019, MacKenzie Scott and Amazon founder Jeff Bezos had divorced in one of the largest asset split ($150 billion to $200 billion fortune). In the same year 2019, MacKenzie Scott who had been an active philanthropist with more than $20 billion personal fortune in 2019, signed the Giving Pledge to donate majority of her wealth & assets. More info below | Visit: Yield Giving Open Call
Jeff Bezos Ex-Wife & Billionaire MacKenzie Scott Launches Open-Call with $250 Million Donation via Yield Giving of $1 Million Each to 250 Non-Profit, Over $14 Billion Donated to 1,600 Non-Profit

25th March 2023 – Jeff Bezos ex-wife & billionaire MacKenzie Scott has launched an open call with a $250 million donation via Yield Giving (Her Philanthropic Foundation) of $1 million donation each to 250 non-profit, with over $14 billion already donated to more than 1,600 non-profit. Yield Giving: “Community-led, community-focused nonprofit organizations from across the United States and U.S. Territories are invited to apply and share the impact they have had on the abilities of individuals and families in their communities to achieve substantive improvement in their well-being … … Organizations must have an annual operating budget of at least $1 million and no more than $5 million for at least two of the last four fiscal years to be eligible to apply. Interested organizations must register to apply before 4 p.m. U.S. Central Time on Friday, May 5, 2023. Complete applications are due before 4 p.m. U.S. Central Time on Monday, June 12, 2023.” The Yield Giving Open Call is being managed by Lever for Change, a nonprofit that leverages its networks to find and fund solutions to the world’s greatest challenges, including racial inequity, gender inequality, lack of economic development, and climate change. In 2022, MacKenzie Scott ($33 billion personal fortune) filed for divorce after 2 years of marriage to science teacher Dan Jewett. In 2019, MacKenzie Scott and Amazon founder Jeff Bezos had divorced in one of the largest asset split ($150 billion to $200 billion fortune). In the same year 2019, MacKenzie Scott who had been an active philanthropist with more than $20 billion personal fortune in 2019, signed the Giving Pledge to donate majority of her wealth & assets. More info below | Visit: Yield Giving Open Call
Yield Giving Open Call

Launched on March 21, 2023, the $250 million Yield Giving Open Call is an initiative focused on elevating organizations working with people and in places experiencing the greatest need in the United States: communities, individuals, and families with access to the fewest foundational resources and opportunities. The registration period is now open.
The Yield Giving Open Call is a $250 million open call focused on elevating organizations working with people and in places experiencing the greatest need in the United States: communities, individuals, and families with access to the fewest foundational resources and opportunities. This initiative will award unrestricted gifts of $1 million each to 250 organizations.
About the Open Call
This initiative seeks community-led, community-focused organizations whose explicit purpose is to advance the voices and opportunities of individuals and families of meager or modest means, and groups who have met with discrimination and other systemic obstacles. Organizations best suited to this initiative will enable individuals and families to achieve substantive improvement in their well-being through foundational resources. This includes, for instance, organizations providing access to health care, stable and affordable housing, education and job training, support for sustained employment, asset ownership, civic engagement, and other pathways. They may also be engaged in data collection and communication to amplify the voices of people and communities struggling against inequities.
Community-led, community-focused nonprofit organizations from across the United States and U.S. Territories are invited to apply and share the impact they have had on the abilities of individuals and families in their communities to achieve substantive improvement in their well-being.
Interested organizations must register to apply before 4 p.m. U.S. Central Time on Friday, May 5, 2023. Complete applications are due before 4 p.m. U.S. Central Time on Monday, June 12, 2023. Organizations must have an annual operating budget of at least $1 million and no more than $5 million for at least two of the last four fiscal years to be eligible to apply.
The Yield Giving Open Call is being managed by Lever for Change, a nonprofit that leverages its networks to find and fund solutions to the world’s greatest challenges, including racial inequity, gender inequality, lack of economic development, and climate change.
After applications are submitted, they will undergo Administrative Review and Participatory Review by other applicants. In the Fall of 2023, up to 1,000 applicants top-rated by their peers will advance to the Evaluation Panel Review by a panel recruited for experience relevant to this initiative. The donor team will select from among the organizations recommended by their peers and this external evaluation panel and announce 250 awardees in early 2024. Each awardee will receive an unrestricted operating gift of $1 million.
Jeff Bezos Ex-Wife MacKenzie Scott Files for Divorce after 2 Years of Marriage, $33 Billion Personal Fortune & Signer of Giving Pledge to Donate Majority of Wealth
29th September 2022 – Amazon founder Jeff Bezos ex-wife MacKenzie Scott ($33 billion personal fortune) had filed for divorce after 2 years of marriage to science teacher Dan Jewett. In 2019, MacKenzie Scott and Amazon founder Jeff Bezos had divorced in one of the largest asset split ($150 billion to $200 billion fortune). In the same year 2019, MacKenzie Scott who had been an active philanthropist with more than $20 billion personal fortune in 2019, signed the Giving Pledge to donate majority of her wealth & assets. See below for MacKenzie Scott Giving Pledge
MacKenzie Scott Giving Pledge on May 25, 2019

Thinking about the Giving Pledge, my mind kept searching its folds for a passage I once read about writing, something about not saving our best ideas for later chapters, about using them now.
I found it this morning on a shelf of my books from college, toward the end of Annie Dillard’s The Writing Life. It was underlined and starred like all of the words that have inspired me most over the years, words that felt true in context, and also true in life:
“Do not hoard what seems good for a later place in the book, or for another book… The impulse to save something good for a better place later is the signal to spend it now. Something more will arise for later, something better… Anything you do not give freely and abundantly becomes lost to you. You open your safe and find ashes.”
I have no doubt that tremendous value comes when people act quickly on the impulse to give. No drive has more positive ripple effects than the desire to be of service. There are lots of resources each of us can pull from our safes to share with others — time, attention, knowledge, patience, creativity, talent, effort, humor, compassion. And sure enough, something greater rises up every time we give: the easy breathing of a friend we sit with when we had other plans, the relief on our child’s face when we share the story of our own mistake, laughter at the well-timed joke we tell to someone who is crying, the excitement of the kids in the school we send books to, the safety of the families who sleep in the shelters we fund. These immediate results are only the beginning. Their value keeps multiplying and spreading in ways we may never know.
We each come by the gifts we have to offer by an infinite series of influences and lucky breaks we can never fully understand. In addition to whatever assets life has nurtured in me, I have a disproportionate amount of money to share. My approach to philanthropy will continue to be thoughtful. It will take time and effort and care. But I won’t wait. And I will keep at it until the safe is empty.
MacKenzie Scott
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