Singapore Exchange Regulation (SGX RegCo) & National University of Singapore (NUS) Listed Issuers Sustainability Review: 97% of 529 Issuers with Climate Reporting, Only 28% of Issuers Provided All 11 Disclosures Recommended by Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD)
12th March 2025 | Hong Kong
Singapore Exchange Regulation (SGX RegCo) & National University of Singapore (NUS) Listed Issuers Sustainability Review – 97% of 529 issuers with climate reporting, while only 28% of issuers provided all 11 disclosures recommended by Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD). SGX (11/3/25): “A Singapore Exchange Regulation (SGX RegCo) and the NUS Business School’s Centre for Governance and Sustainability (CGS) review has found that most listed issuers have made initial steps towards climate reporting. Of the 529 issuers whose sustainability reports were reviewed, 97% carried out climate reporting, namely by having at least one disclosure based on the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) recommendations. This compared to 73% in the previous review in 2023. However, only 28% of all issuers provided all 11 disclosures that the TCFD recommends. On average, each issuer produced eight TCFD disclosures. Disclosures on climate scenario analysis, integration of risk management processes and climate targets were among the most lacking across the review. Other key findings of the review are: 1) Disclosure of Scope 1 and Scope 2 greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions was high at 80% and 87% respectively of all issuers. However, only 29% of issuers disclosed Scope 3 emissions. 2) Large issuers were far ahead of smaller ones in terms of reporting Scope 3 emissions. The bulk of issuers (64%) with large market capitalisation of over S$1 billion reported Scope 3 emissions while just 22% of companies with small market capitalisation of less than S$300 million did so. 3) All issuers in the mandated industries[1] for FY2023 produced TCFD disclosures but only 36% met the SGX RegCo requirement of providing all 11 required disclosures. The full review report is found here. Note – SGX RegCo requires that from the financial year commencing 1 January 2023 (FY2023), TCFD disclosures be mandatory for issuers in the financial industry, agriculture, food and forest products industry and the energy industry.”
“ Singapore Exchange Regulation (SGX RegCo) & National University of Singapore (NUS) Listed Issuers Sustainability Review: 97% of 529 Issuers with Climate Reporting, Only 28% of Issuers Provided All 11 Disclosures Recommended by Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) “
Tan Boon Gin, CEO of SGX RegCo: “Our previous review showed that the quality of climate disclosures was lagging that of other sustainability-related disclosures. This latest survey focused on climate-related disclosures shows that while issuers progressed, they need more help in adapting to the TCFD recommendations. This is necessary if companies are to smoothly and successfully transition to the latest International Sustainability Standards Board standards. We will be studying the findings and gathering feedback as we explore how we can continue to support issuers including through capacity-building initiatives.”
Professor Lawrence Loh, Director, Centre for Governance and Sustainability, NUS Business School: “The review underscores that while issuers have made meaningful progress in climate reporting, significant gaps remain in achieving comprehensive and high-quality disclosures. Beyond compliance, strong climate reporting helps businesses manage risks, seize opportunities, and build stakeholder trust. As expectations evolve, deeper integration of climate considerations will be crucial for long-term resilience and competitiveness in the transition to a low-carbon economy. We look forward to supporting companies in strengthening their climate disclosures and advancing sustainability practices.”
Singapore Exchange Regulation (SGX RegCo) & National University of Singapore (NUS) Listed Issuers Sustainability Review: 97% of 529 Issuers with Climate Reporting, Only 28% of Issuers Provided All 11 Disclosures Recommended by Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD)

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