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Japan $17 Billion Oil Giant Eneos Holdings Metals Subsidiary JX Advanced Metals IPO on Tokyo Stock Exchange (TSE) with Share Price Increasing +6.5% on Day 1 Trading (19/3/25) & Raised $2.9 Billion at $5.1 Billion Valuation

20th March 2025 | Hong Kong

Japan oil giant Eneos Holdings ($17 billion market value) metals subsidiary JX Advanced Metals has IPO on Tokyo Stock Exchange (TSE) with share price increasing +6.5% on day 1 trading (19/3/25) & raised $2.9 billion at $5.1 billion valuation in the IPO.  In 2025 February, Japan oil giant Eneos Holdings metals subsidiary JX Advanced Metals has filed for a Tokyo IPO to raise $3 billion at $5.2 billion valuation.  Announcement (14/2/25): “ENEOS Holdings, Inc. (“ENEOS Holdings”) today announces that the Tokyo Stock Exchange approved the new listing of JX Advanced Metals Corporation (“JXAM”), a consolidated subsidiary of ENEOS Holdings, on the Tokyo Stock Exchange Prime Market. Following this listing approval, we hereby announce that JXAM will change from a consolidated subsidiary to an equity-method affiliate and that the status of some subsidiaries of JXAM will change by selling a portion of its shares owned by ENEOS Holdings (the “Secondary Offering”) … … The ENEOS Group has embraced the following group philosophy: “Harnessing the Earth’s power for the common good and for the day-to-day life of each individual, we will contribute to the development of our communities and help to ensure a vibrant future through creation and innovation in energy, resources, and materials.” Based on such philosophy, the ENEOS Group operates in six business segments: Petroleum Products, High Performance Materials, Electricity, Renewable Energy, Oil & Natural Gas E&P and Metals.  JXAM belongs to the Metals segment. In regard to its Focus Businesses, it develops, manufactures, and sells advanced materials that are indispensable to the semiconductor and ICT.  sectors, of which sputtering targets for semiconductor devices and treated rolled copper foils are its core products. In addition, JXAM engages in resource development, smelting, and the recycling of copper and minor metals, which are raw materials for its Focus Businesses products, as a part of its Base Businesses. By developing a robust global supply chain that connects upstream and downstream businesses, JXAM is able to provide a stable supply of advanced materials to the market, and thus, contribute to sustainable economic and social development.  JXAM established, in the JX Advanced Metals Group Long-Term Vision 2040 (partially revised in May 2023), its basic policy to realize a highly profitable structure even in the face of intensifying international competition and to contribute to the realization of a sustainable society as a global leader in semiconductor and ICT materials sectors by transitioning itself from a “process industry-type firm” to a “technology-based firm.”  Through the listing of its shares, JXAM aims to enhance its corporate value by establishing a management structure capable of highly specialized and rapid decision-making and realizing an optimal capital structure based on business characteristics, thereby accelerating capital investments, R&D, etc. in the highly competitive fields of semiconductor and ICT materials. JXAM will position these fields as the core of its growth strategy and aim to achieve profit growth that exceeds market growth through technological differentiation and market creation in the advanced materials field.  Furthermore, through the listing of shares of JXAM, ENEOS Holdings believes it will be able to make the investments required for execution of its business strategies and transformation of its business portfolio to realize the energy transition, and to implement shareholder returns quickly and reliably. ENEOS Holdings believes that its corporate value will be further increased by accelerating its efforts to transform itself into a company that realizes a carbon-neutral society through the stable supply of energy and materials via petroleum-related businesses and the supply of next-generation energy such as synthetic fuels and hydrogen.”

“ Japan $17 Billion Oil Giant Eneos Holdings Metals Subsidiary JX Advanced Metals IPO on Tokyo Stock Exchange (TSE) with Share Price Increasing +6.5% on Day 1 Trading (19/3/25) & Raised $2.9 Billion at $5.1 Billion Valuation “


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Japan $16 Billion Oil Giant Eneos Holdings Metals Subsidiary JX Advanced Metals Raised $2.9 Billion at $5.1 Billion Valuation for Tokyo IPO, Expected IPO Listing on 19th March 2025

Tokyo, Japan

10th March 2025 – Japan oil giant Eneos Holdings ($16 billion market value) metals subsidiary JX Advanced Metals has raised $2.9 billion at $5.1 billion valuation for Tokyo IPO, with expected IPO listing on 19th March 2025In 2025 February, Japan oil giant Eneos Holdings ($16 billion market value) metals subsidiary JX Advanced Metals has filed for a Tokyo IPO to raise $3 billion at $5.2 billion valuation.  Announcement (14/2/25): “ENEOS Holdings, Inc. (“ENEOS Holdings”) today announces that the Tokyo Stock Exchange approved the new listing of JX Advanced Metals Corporation (“JXAM”), a consolidated subsidiary of ENEOS Holdings, on the Tokyo Stock Exchange Prime Market. Following this listing approval, we hereby announce that JXAM will change from a consolidated subsidiary to an equity-method affiliate and that the status of some subsidiaries of JXAM will change by selling a portion of its shares owned by ENEOS Holdings (the “Secondary Offering”) … … The ENEOS Group has embraced the following group philosophy: “Harnessing the Earth’s power for the common good and for the day-to-day life of each individual, we will contribute to the development of our communities and help to ensure a vibrant future through creation and innovation in energy, resources, and materials.” Based on such philosophy, the ENEOS Group operates in six business segments: Petroleum Products, High Performance Materials, Electricity, Renewable Energy, Oil & Natural Gas E&P and Metals.  JXAM belongs to the Metals segment. In regard to its Focus Businesses, it develops, manufactures, and sells advanced materials that are indispensable to the semiconductor and ICT.  sectors, of which sputtering targets for semiconductor devices and treated rolled copper foils are its core products. In addition, JXAM engages in resource development, smelting, and the recycling of copper and minor metals, which are raw materials for its Focus Businesses products, as a part of its Base Businesses. By developing a robust global supply chain that connects upstream and downstream businesses, JXAM is able to provide a stable supply of advanced materials to the market, and thus, contribute to sustainable economic and social development.  JXAM established, in the JX Advanced Metals Group Long-Term Vision 2040 (partially revised in May 2023), its basic policy to realize a highly profitable structure even in the face of intensifying international competition and to contribute to the realization of a sustainable society as a global leader in semiconductor and ICT materials sectors by transitioning itself from a “process industry-type firm” to a “technology-based firm.”  Through the listing of its shares, JXAM aims to enhance its corporate value by establishing a management structure capable of highly specialized and rapid decision-making and realizing an optimal capital structure based on business characteristics, thereby accelerating capital investments, R&D, etc. in the highly competitive fields of semiconductor and ICT materials. JXAM will position these fields as the core of its growth strategy and aim to achieve profit growth that exceeds market growth through technological differentiation and market creation in the advanced materials field.  Furthermore, through the listing of shares of JXAM, ENEOS Holdings believes it will be able to make the investments required for execution of its business strategies and transformation of its business portfolio to realize the energy transition, and to implement shareholder returns quickly and reliably. ENEOS Holdings believes that its corporate value will be further increased by accelerating its efforts to transform itself into a company that realizes a carbon-neutral society through the stable supply of energy and materials via petroleum-related businesses and the supply of next-generation energy such as synthetic fuels and hydrogen.”



Japan $16 Billion Oil Giant Eneos Holdings Metals Subsidiary JX Advanced Metals Files for Tokyo IPO to Raise $3 Billion at $5.2 Billion Valuation, Expected IPO Listing on 19th March 2025

16th February 2025 – Japan oil giant Eneos Holdings ($16 billion market value) metals subsidiary JX Advanced Metals has filed for a Tokyo IPO to raise $3 billion at $5.2 billion valuation.  JX Advanced Metals expected IPO listing is on 19th March 2025Announcement (14/2/25): “ENEOS Holdings, Inc. (“ENEOS Holdings”) today announces that the Tokyo Stock Exchange approved the new listing of JX Advanced Metals Corporation (“JXAM”), a consolidated subsidiary of ENEOS Holdings, on the Tokyo Stock Exchange Prime Market. Following this listing approval, we hereby announce that JXAM will change from a consolidated subsidiary to an equity-method affiliate and that the status of some subsidiaries of JXAM will change by selling a portion of its shares owned by ENEOS Holdings (the “Secondary Offering”) … … The ENEOS Group has embraced the following group philosophy: “Harnessing the Earth’s power for the common good and for the day-to-day life of each individual, we will contribute to the development of our communities and help to ensure a vibrant future through creation and innovation in energy, resources, and materials.” Based on such philosophy, the ENEOS Group operates in six business segments: Petroleum Products, High Performance Materials, Electricity, Renewable Energy, Oil & Natural Gas E&P and Metals.  JXAM belongs to the Metals segment. In regard to its Focus Businesses, it develops, manufactures, and sells advanced materials that are indispensable to the semiconductor and ICT.  sectors, of which sputtering targets for semiconductor devices and treated rolled copper foils are its core products. In addition, JXAM engages in resource development, smelting, and the recycling of copper and minor metals, which are raw materials for its Focus Businesses products, as a part of its Base Businesses. By developing a robust global supply chain that connects upstream and downstream businesses, JXAM is able to provide a stable supply of advanced materials to the market, and thus, contribute to sustainable economic and social development.  JXAM established, in the JX Advanced Metals Group Long-Term Vision 2040 (partially revised in May 2023), its basic policy to realize a highly profitable structure even in the face of intensifying international competition and to contribute to the realization of a sustainable society as a global leader in semiconductor and ICT materials sectors by transitioning itself from a “process industry-type firm” to a “technology-based firm.”  Through the listing of its shares, JXAM aims to enhance its corporate value by establishing a management structure capable of highly specialized and rapid decision-making and realizing an optimal capital structure based on business characteristics, thereby accelerating capital investments, R&D, etc. in the highly competitive fields of semiconductor and ICT materials. JXAM will position these fields as the core of its growth strategy and aim to achieve profit growth that exceeds market growth through technological differentiation and market creation in the advanced materials field.  Furthermore, through the listing of shares of JXAM, ENEOS Holdings believes it will be able to make the investments required for execution of its business strategies and transformation of its business portfolio to realize the energy transition, and to implement shareholder returns quickly and reliably. ENEOS Holdings believes that its corporate value will be further increased by accelerating its efforts to transform itself into a company that realizes a carbon-neutral society through the stable supply of energy and materials via petroleum-related businesses and the supply of next-generation energy such as synthetic fuels and hydrogen.”

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