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Credit Suisse Global Wealth Report 2020

1st December 2020 | Hong Kong

Credit Suisse has released the Global Wealth Report 2020.  The report analyzes the household wealth of 5.2 billion adult population in the world.

” 51.8+ million millionaires, 175,000+ UHNWs “

The number of millionaires at the end of 2019 is around 51.8 million, with United States, China and Japan having the most millionaires.  There are a total of 175,000+ UHNWs in the world, with more than $50 million.  United States, China and Germany have the most UHNWs.

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The total global wealth in 2020 June is $400.18 billion and with average global wealth of $76,984.  In 2000, 20 years ago, the total global wealth was $117.9 trillion.

Key Summary

  • No. of millionaires at the end of 2019: 51.8+ million
  • United States, China and Japan have the most millionaires
  • 175,000 + UHNWs in the world (> $50 million)
  • United States, China and Germany have the most UHNWs
  • Total Global Wealth in 2000: $117.9 trillion
  • Total Global Wealth 2020 June: $400.18 billion
  • Global Average Wealth 2020 June: $76,984
  • 1% of global population (51.9 m) are millionaires
  • Global millionaires own 43.4% of global wealth
  • 11.4% of global population (590 m) have $100k to $1 million, and own 40.5% of global wealth
  • The top 3 sectors with the most billionaires are Finance & Investments, Technology and Fashion & Retail



Anthony Shorrocks, Credit Suisse Economist and Report Author:

“Given the damage inflicted by COVID-19 on the global economy, it seems remarkable that household wealth has emerged relatively unscathed.”


Nannette Hechler-Fayd’herbe, Credit Suisse Chief Investment Officer for International Wealth Management and Global Head of Economics & Research:

“Although 2019 was a year of incredible wealth creation, the COVID-19 pandemic has been a sobering reminder of the danger of exogenous shocks to the global economy.

Unlike the financial crisis of 2007-08, there is reason for optimism this time around, as the global financial sector is much healthier than it was then. Governments and central banks have also learned the importance of credit arrangements and quantitative easing during a severe crisis … … Among the major economies, China is likely to be the clear winner.”



1. Top 5 Countries with the Most Millionaires

New York City, United States
Top 5 Countries Millionaires
1 United States 20,215,000
2 China 5,788,000
3 Japan 3,322,000
4 United Kingdom 2,357,000
5 France 2,169,000


The total number of millionaires in the world at the end of 2019 is around 51.8 million.

United States has the most millionaires in the world with around 20.2 millionaires, representing 38.9% of millionaires in the world.  China has the 2nd most number of millionaires with 5.7 million.  Japan has the 3rd most number of millionaires with 3.3 million.

The total number of millionaires for the top 5 countries (United States, China, Japan, United Kingdom and France), is around 33.8 million, representing 65.2% of all millionaires in the world.


2. Top 5 Countries with the Most UHNWs

Shanghai, China
Top 5 Countries UHNWs
1 United States 89,509
2 China 21,087
3 Germany 6,524
4 India 4,593
5 United Kingdom 3,901


The total number of UHNWs (ultra-high net worth with more than $50 million) in the world at the end of 2019 is around 175,688.

United States has the most UHNWs in the world with around 89,509 UHNWs, representing 50.9% of UHNWs in the world.  China has the 2nd most number of UHNWs with 21,807.  Germany has the 3rd most number of UHNWs with 6,524.

The total number of UHNWs for the top 5 countries (United States, China, Germany, India, United Kingdom), is around 125,615, representing 71.4% of all UHNWs in the world.


3. Countries with the Most UHNWs

Rank Countries with most UHNWs
1 United States
2 China
3 Germany
4 India
5 United Kingdom
6 France
7 Canada
8 Japan
9 Russia
10 Hong Kong SAR
11 Italy
12 Switzerland
13 Australia
14 Korea
15 Taiwan
16 Brazil
17 Spain
18 Sweden
19 Singapore
20 Netherlands


The top 20 countries with the most billionaires.


4. Top 1000 Billionaires by Industries

Billionaires by Industries No. of Billionaires
Finance & Investments 144
Technology 125
Fashion & Retail 120
Real Estate 96
Food & Beverage 85
Manufacturing 71
Diversified 64
Healthcare 57
Energy 43
Media & Entertainment 36
Service 35
Metals & Mining 30
Automotive 21
Construction & Engineering 16
Gambling & Casinos 15
Logistics 14
Sports 14
Telecom 14
All Industries 1000


The top sector with the most billionaires is Finance & Investments with 144 billionaires.  The 2nd sector with the most billionaires is Technology with 125 billionaires.   The 3rd sector with the most billionaires is Fashion & Retail with 120 billionaires.

Billionaire data from Forbes Annual Global list of Billionaires


5. Global Wealth Distribution

Wealth Segment Population Wealth
More than $1 million 1% of population, 51.9 million $173.3 trillion, 43.4% of global wealth
$100k to $1 million 11.4 % of population, 590 million $161.8 trillion, 40.5% of global wealth
$10k to $100k 34% of population, 1.754 billion $58.6 trillion, 14.7% of global wealth
Less than $10k 53.6% of population, 2.768 billion $5.4 trillion, 1.4% of global wealth


Millionaires and Affluent

1% of global population (51.9 million) are millionaires, owning 43.4% of global wealth.  11.4% of global population (590 million) have wealth of 100k to $1 million, owning 40.5% of global wealth.


6. Global Wealth Distribution – 2020 June

European City Venice
Wealth by Region 2020 Distribution
North America $124.03 30.99%
Latin America $10.83 2.71%
Europe $93.37 23.33%
China $81.45 20.35%
India $15.56 3.89%
APAC $70.27 17.56%
Africa $4.68 1.17%
World $400.18 100%


The top 3 region with the most wealth are North America 30.99%, Europe 23.33% and China 20.35%.  Combined, they owned 74.67% of global wealth.

Asia-Pacific classification excludes China, India (due to size of populations)


7. Global Wealth by Region: 2019 vs 2020 June

European Countries
Wealth by Region 2019 2020 Change
North America $123.98 $124.03 0.01%
Latin America $12.42 $10.83 -0.40%
Europe $94.29 $93.37 -0.23%
China $77.98 $81.45 0.87%
India $15.31 $15.56 0.06%
APAC $70.40 $70.27 -0.03%
Africa $4.81 $4.68 -0.03%
World $399.18 $400.18 0.25%


At the end of 2019, the total global wealth was $399.18 billion.  By the end of 2020 June, the total global wealth grew by 0.25% to $400.18 billion with an average global wealth of $76,984.  In the year 2000, 20 years ago, the total global wealth was $117.9 trillion.

  • Total Global Wealth in 2000: $117.9 trillion
  • Total Global Wealth June 2020: $400.18 billion
  • Global Average Wealth June 2020: $76,984

Asia-Pacific classification excludes China, India (due to size of populations)



  • 5.2 billion adult population (excludes children, global population estimated at 7.5 billion)
  • UHNW: Ultra high net worth with wealth of more than $50 million
  • Net worth / wealth: Net value of financial assets and real assets (housing) owned by households, less debts
  • $ is US dollars, USD


The full Credit Suisse Global Wealth Report 2020 can be accessed at the webpage: The Global Wealth Report 2020 and the report can be download here.



Credit Suisse Research Institute

The Credit Suisse Research Institute is Credit Suisse’s in-house think tank. The Institute was established in the aftermath of the 2008 financial crisis with the objective of studying long-term economic developments, which have – or promise to have – a global impact within and beyond the financial services.

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Credit Suisse

Credit Suisse is one of the world’s leading financial services providers. Our strategy builds on Credit Suisse’s core strengths: its position as a leading wealth manager, its specialist investment banking capabilities and its strong presence in our home market of Switzerland. We seek to follow a balanced approach to wealth management, aiming to capitalize on both the large pool of wealth within mature markets as well as the significant growth in wealth in Asia Pacific and other emerging markets, while also serving key developed markets with an emphasis on Switzerland.

Credit Suisse employs approximately 48,800 people. The registered shares (CSGN) of Credit Suisse Group AG, are listed in Switzerland and, in the form of American Depositary Shares (CS), in New York.

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