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Caproasia.com covering capital markets, investments and private wealth in Asia. Our users manage, advise & invest $25 trillion assets in Asia

How do you Manage Clients during Financial Crisis & Market Downturn?

How do you Manage Clients during Financial Crisis & Market Downturn? It is never good news for wealth & investment professionals during market downturn and financial...

Popular Birthdays in January Week 4 (22nd – 28th)

Famous Birthdays in January Week 4 What happens if your client's birthday is the same as celebrities like Jackie Chan, Jet Li, Michael Jackson, Taylor...

The 6 people that make a Strong Wealth Management Team

The 6 people that make a Strong Wealth Management Team The Pilot works with the Co-Pilot and the crew members (stewards and stewardess) while the Doctor works with the...

How do you become a Treasury Specialist?

How do you become a Treasury Specialist? A Treasury Specialist needs to have strong knowledge in Treasury products such as Foreign Exchange, Interests Rates, Gold, Swaps, Options...

What is a Treasury Specialist?

What is a Treasury Specialist? A Treasury Specialist provides treasury advice on foreign exchange and interest rates through spots, forwards and options to clients and...

Popular Birthdays in January Week 3 (15th – 21st)

Famous Birthdays in January Week 3 What happens if your client's birthday is the same as celebrities like Jackie Chan, Jet Li, Michael Jackson, Taylor...

The Complexity of Market View, House View, Clients View and Your...

The complexity of Market View, House View, Client View & Your View? Ever wonder what is Market View or House View?  Ever found disagreement with Client...

Global Financial Meltdown

Global Financial Meltdown Length: 2 Hours 49 Minutes 15 Seconds Published on Nov 23, 2013 Meltdown is a four-part investigation into a world of greed and recklessness...

A Japanese Lesson in Deflation for Europe

A Japanese Lesson in Deflation for Europe Length: 3 Minutes 36 Seconds Published on Jan 23, 2015 As Europe slides towards deflation, Japan offers a window on...

What are the challenges of an Investment Advisor?

What are the challenges of an Investment Advisor? From spotting the next biggest Initial Public Offerings (IPO) to anticipating the next financial crisis, Investment Advisors...