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Tag: GIC

Billionaire & Google Co-Founder Sergey Brin Family Office Bayshore Global Management...

Billionaire & Google Co-Founder Sergey Brin Family Office Bayshore Global Management Hires Singapore Sovereign Wealth Fund GIC 18-Year Veteran & Head of Sustainability Rachel...

Austria Billionaire & Founder of European Conglomerate Signa Holding Rene Benko...

Austria Billionaire & Founder of European Conglomerate Signa Holding Rene Benko Files for Sole Trader Insolvency Which Will Allow for Restructuring, Signa Holding Files...

Fintech Payment Giant Stripe Share Buyback Tender Sale for Employees at...

Fintech Payment Giant Stripe Share Buyback Tender Sale for Employees at $65 Billion Valuation, Raised $6.5 Billion at $50 Billion Valuation with Plans to...

Singapore GIC Senior Management Changes: Sam Kim Appointed as COO, Bryan...

Singapore GIC Senior Management Changes: Sam Kim Appointed as COO, Bryan Yeo Deputy Group CIO & Director of Integrated Strategies Group, Mark Ong CIO...

Swiss Private Bank Julius Baer to Exit $926 Million Private Debt...

Swiss Private Bank Julius Baer to Exit $926 Million Private Debt Business with CEO Philipp Rickenbacher to Step Down and Nic Dreckmann Appointed as...

Sovereign Wealth Funds Singapore GIC Invested €85 Million & Saudi Arabia...

Sovereign Wealth Funds Singapore GIC Invested €85 Million & Saudi Arabia Public Investment Fund Invested €287 Million in Bankrupt Austria European Conglomerate Signa Holding...

Singapore $360 Billion Sovereign Wealth Fund GIC Appoints Singapore Deputy Prime...

Singapore $360 Billion Sovereign Wealth Fund GIC Appoints Singapore Deputy Prime Minister & Minister of Finance Lawrence Wong as GIC Deputy Chairman 29th September 2023...

Singapore MAS Chairman Lawrence Wong on MAS Access to Reserves Managed...

Singapore MAS Chairman Lawrence Wong on MAS Access to Reserves Managed by GIC: Official Foreign Reserves Required to Ensure Confidence in Singapore Dollar in...

$158 Billion Asset Manager Alberta Investment Management Corporation Opens Office in...

$158 Billion Asset Manager Alberta Investment Management Corporation Opens Office in Singapore, Led by Ex-GIC Kevin Bong Who Joined in August 2023 as Chief...

Singapore $360 Billion Sovereign Wealth Fund GIC Reports +3.7% Nominal Return...

Singapore $360 Billion Sovereign Wealth Fund GIC Reports +3.7% Nominal Return & +4.4% Real Return Over 5 Years, +6.9% Nominal Return & +4.6% Real...