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$532 Million China Renaissance Suspends Trading on Hong Kong Exchange, Unable...

$532 Million China Renaissance Suspends Trading on Hong Kong Exchange, Unable to Release 2022 Financial Results with Chairman Fan Bao Remaining Uncontactable & Cooperating...

Hong Kong Exchange Launches New Specialist Technology Company Listing Rules, Minimum...

Hong Kong Exchange Launches New Specialist Technology Company Listing Rules, Minimum of $760 Million Market Capitalization for Companies with at Least $31.8 Million Revenue...

Hong Kong Exchange Appoints Rona Fairhead & Megan Greene to HKEX...

Hong Kong Exchange Appoints Rona Fairhead & Megan Greene to HKEX International Advisory Council for 3-Year Term, Joins Stuart Gulliver, Weijian Shan, Neil Shen,...

London Metal Exchange Discovers Stones Instead of $1.3 Million of Nickel...

London Metal Exchange Discovers Stones Instead of $1.3 Million of Nickel Registered Since Early 2022 at Netherlands Rotterdam Warehouse 18th March 2023 | Hong...

UK Financial Conduct Authority & Bank of England Released Joint Statement...

UK Financial Conduct Authority & Bank of England Released Joint Statement on London Metal Exchange Nickel Market Suspension in April 2022, UK FCA to...

Hong Kong Exchange Expands Stock Connect with International Companies Primary-Listed in...

Hong Kong Exchange Expands Stock Connect with International Companies Primary-Listed in Hong Kong Included in Southbound Trading, Eligible Shanghai & Shenzhen Stocks Included in...

Hong Kong Exchange to Open London Office in 2H 2023, Promote...

Hong Kong Exchange to Open London Office in 2H 2023, Promote HKEX Capital Market Opportunities to European Clients and Connect Investors & Issuers to...

Uncontactable Chairman of China Renaissance Fan Bao Cooperating in Investigation with...

Uncontactable Chairman of China Renaissance Fan Bao Cooperating in Investigation with China Authorities, China Renaissance Submits Fan Bao Whereabouts to Hong Kong Exchange on...

Former Morgan Stanley & Credit Suisse Investment Banker, Influential China Dealmaker...

Former Morgan Stanley & Credit Suisse Investment Banker, Influential China Dealmaker & Chairman of China Renaissance Fan Bao is Reported to be Uncontactable in...

Hong Kong Exchange Hires Goldman Sachs Matthew Cheong as Head of...

Hong Kong Exchange Hires Goldman Sachs Matthew Cheong as Head of Structured Products & Platform Business Development 9th February 2023 | Hong Kong Hong Kong Exchange...