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Tag: Investcorp Golden Horizon Fund

China Ministry of Finance Transfers Ownership of 3 Largest State-Owned Bad...

China Ministry of Finance Transfers Ownership of 3 Largest State-Owned Bad Debt Asset Managers to Sovereign Wealth Fund China Investment Corporation Subsidiary Central Huijin...

China $1.3 Trillion Sovereign Wealth Fund China Investment Corporation (CIC) Appoints...

China $1.3 Trillion Sovereign Wealth Fund China Investment Corporation (CIC) Appoints China Central Bank Deputy Governor Zhang Qingsong as Chairman Succeeding Peng Chun Who...

China $1.3 Trillion Sovereign Wealth Fund China Investment Corporation Reports +6.57%...

China $1.3 Trillion Sovereign Wealth Fund China Investment Corporation Reports +6.57% 10-Year Annualized Return in 2023 & +6.23% Annualized Return Since Inception in 2007 8th...

China $1.35 Trillion Sovereign Wealth Fund China Investment Corporation Appoints Chen...

China $1.35 Trillion Sovereign Wealth Fund China Investment Corporation Appoints Chen Zhong as Deputy Head, Vice-President & CFO, Appointed Liu Haoling as President in...

China $1.35 Trillion Sovereign Wealth Fund China Investment Corporation & Alternative...

China $1.35 Trillion Sovereign Wealth Fund China Investment Corporation & Alternative Investment Firm Investcorp Launch $1 Billion Investcorp Golden Horizon Fund to Invest in...