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Tag: Portfolio

What is an Independent Financial Advisor?

What is an Independent Financial Advisor? An Independent Financial Advisor (IFA) provides independent financial advice to clients. In an Independent Financial Advisory Firm, they rarely...

9 Reasons why you became a Wealth Manager or Financial Advisor

9 Reasons why you became a Wealth Manager or Financial Advisor Have you ever wondered why you became or wanted to become a Wealth Manager?  For...

Different Types of Loans, Credit & Leverage Facilities

Different Types of Loans, Credit & Leverage Facilities Housing loans and car loans are the most widely used debt / credit facilities.  When it comes to...

7 Ways Top Wealth Managers Create Value for Clients using Loans,...

7 Ways Top Wealth Managers create Value for Clients using Loans, Credit & Leverage Most clients request for borrowing advice and facilities only when they need...

5 Reasons why Wealth Management is harder in low-tax countries

5 Reasons why Wealth Management is harder in low-tax countries The usual considerations in Wealth Management are investing, beating inflation, managing cashflow and risks. 2 key factors are...

5 Reasons why being a Wealth Manager is one of the...

5 Reasons why being a Wealth Manager is one of the Best Job to be in Ever wanted to wake up in the morning, have...

5 Ways to Charge The Highest Fee Possible

5 Ways to Charge The Highest Fee Possible Many Wealth Managers wish to charge a higher fee for their professional advice.  In reality, no clients...

6 Ways to Generate High Revenue

6 Ways to Generate High Revenue Many new Wealth Managers, Personal Bankers, Priority Bankers, Private Bankers and Financial Advisors struggle to generate high revenue. Below are...

How do Wealth Managers Compete against Low Cost Providers?

How do Wealth Managers Compete against Low Cost Providers? Low-cost online brokerages, self-directed financial products, and new wealth management providers offering promotions or low transaction fees...

8 Reasons why Clients prefer to place Money in Deposits than...

8 Reasons why Clients prefer to place Money in Deposits than Investments For many Bankers, Wealth Managers and Investment Professionals, they often meet clients who prefer...